Welcome to LabWOES, a name created by combining LabWorks (our POS) and ROES (our old ordering system). It just happens to have a nice sound to it, and sometimes aptly describes the current situation at the shop.

This site is a place where I keep track of some of the things that go on in my Photo Lab business, mostly relating to our ordering systems, POS system and various other things

I don't expect to update this site a whole lot, though it does pull in my GitHub Issues where I post problems that I have with different things in the lab. Mostly this is for my own purposes, as it is an easy way to keep track of things but I also like that it is public so maybe it can save someone else from some of the headaches I have had. You are welcome to post in the issues yourself and I would be happy to try and help if I can, or maybe someone else can.

There is also a very handy photographic paper and chemistry cost calculator that you may find useful. I may also post a video or blog post once in a while, as well as some links to things I like.