Posted on March 09, 2016

Just learning Git and working by yourself? So am I. Here are my notes for using Git from the command line.

When working with the command line, I either open the command window by holding down the shift key while right clicking on the folder I am working in, or, in Sublime Text I right click on the parent folder and choose Open/Run - this opens Windows Powershell which is usually what I use, though I have not had any issues with the standard command prompt window.


git init - this initializes a repository. I used to do this, but if all you want to do is host a website on GH pages using the gh-pages branch, then it is easier to start on GH and create the repo there, create the gh-pages branch, set it to default and delete the master branch. Then clone the repo down and start from there. When I do git init locally, I always end up with problems because locally you are in master and I haven’t learned enough yet to switch to the gh-pages branch locally and push from there. Maybe one day.

git clone http://your-repo-url - This is how you get a copy of the repo locally. When you do this it will create a new folder locally with the repo name. So do this with the command prompt one folder up.

git status - tells you what it is tracking that has changes.

git add - adds that file into version control, pending a commit.

git add . - this adds all untracked files to version control, pending a commit. I think it may also remove files if you deleted some, but keep in mind they will still exist in the commit history.

git commit - commits files to the repo. You probably should get used to using the -m option to leave a message as well.

git commit -m "my commit message here" - this commits with a message so you know what changed at a glance.

git commit -a -m "your message here" - the -a option works like git add . but adds it to the commit, then -m adds the message.

git push origin gh-pages - pushes your changes up to the version control server (GitHub normally but could be BitBucket or your own private Git server).

git push origin master pushes to master branch.